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Revival 2023
Jay Marshall

New Direction

Liberty Lutheran

Sunday Lunch

Revival  September 2022
Willie Pickard

Ice Cream!!

revival 9.22 Willie J.J 2022-09-11 19.06.32.png
revival 9.22 Gales 2022-09-11 19.07.17.png
revival 9.22 Willie Pickard 2022-09-09 19.52.09.png
revival 9.22 Lutheran 2022-09-09 21.01.53.png
revival 9.22 Concord trio 2022-09-10 20.58.12.png
revival 9.22 ice cream smile 2022-09-11 20.27.32.png
revival 9.22 ice cream 22022-09-11 20.27.08.png
revival 9.22 ice cream 1 2022-09-11 20.26.54.png
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